Nutritional advice reviews


I have had a lot of health problems lately, which has meant that I have never felt well and have not been able to train properly, with the result that the results in cycling have not been good at all. I had a blood analysis carried out which showed that I had a number of infections and had too few vitamins in my body.

That's why I contacted Yarne to visit him for a consultation. I talked to him about my eating habits and what I could change. Because cycling demands a lot from your body, Yarne also gave me some advice about possible supplements that I could use so that I am less likely to get sick.
After a few weeks of following his advice down to the last detail, I feel much better and can train fully again and I am pedaling the best values ​​I have ever done.

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I have been working with Yarne since March. He made a nutrition plan with me that ensures that I can consume the right amount of calories and the right macros. Nutrition is a big part of top sport. Thanks to Sportsnutrion advice, I can get the most out of my performance and recover faster from training and competitions.

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